Chocolate Cigarellos

The table below gives a rough guide to the number of cigarellos you will need for various sizes of round and square cakes. The exact number used will depend on your spacing. Remember, it is always best to allow a few extra in case of breakages!

This guide is based on using 3 cigarellos per inch - this is closely spaced, almost touching. For unusual shapes not shown on the chart below, you can use a piece of string or ribbon to measure the distance round your cake, then use the 3 per inch rule to estimate quantities.

Use the table below to work out how many you will need, then you can calculate how many boxes to order (there's generally 140 cigarellos per box)! Allow some extra in case of breakages.

Why not use our chocolate filling cream to coat your cake and attach the chocolate cigarellos for best results?

Cake Size Round Square
4" 38 48
5" 47 60
6" 57 72
7" 66 84
8" 76 96
9" 85 108
10" 95 120
11" 104 132
12" 114 144
13" 123 156
14" 132 168